It has been a while since my last post, but that is because progress has been SLOW!!! After our intial whirlwind of Cultural Orientation and Medical exams, it became a sit and wait. Then I got the news that MY EKG came back abnormal, so our medical clearance was halted until I went and got checked out. So off to a cardiologist I went....after another EKG and ultrasound, turns out my heart is perfect. (AND I have super low cholesterol I might add). In any case, that hurdle was passed and just today we received word that our Visas have been approved.
Now it is REALLY official, we are cleared to go and can put our house on the market.
The next HUGE hurdle is my work. I tell my students this Friday that my last day of work is October 28th. I feel extremely fortunate that I am being given this opportunity to stay home and be there for my family. HOWEVER, I have never not worked, and I am nervous. I think that on October 28th, this is all going to hit me. Moral support WILL be needed (or at least a good bottle of wine! Ha just kidding)
My next task is to clear out the house and get things ready to be packed....garage sale here we come!