03 June 2013

Daddy's Day

Some days are just daddy's day....one of the girls picks him and that is all they are focused on.  Not really sure why it happens...it might be that he is nicer than me that day or doing something more fun than I am.  But whatever the reason, at some point, Mo and Addie will choose to do nothing but hang with Daddy for the day.

Yesterday was Addie's day.  Like a lost puppy, she followed Dustin everywhere!  Whenever she needed something, it was Daddy who came to the rescue.  If permission was needed, Daddy had to grant it.  I think these days are important....they learn to appreciate their father, learn to rely on him, and most of all they both learn about each other.

It can be exhausting at times, especially with a child like Addison, but I know that Dustin would not have it any other way and cherishes those times.

So what did they do yesterday?  Well a little bit of this and lot of that...but the BEST part was grilling our dinner (steaks, chicken, and tuna) and making S'mores.

As Addie brought in the plate of cooked meat she says "uh Mom, can you be really careful, like REALLY careful with this meat?  Daddy and I were really careful and worked really hard as a team to make this yummy."

So I said of course I would be careful, but I had to cut the meat would that be ok?  She simply replied. "yeah, just don't drop the meat on the floor".  Well okay then...

So what did I do while they enjoyed their cooking together?  Well I enjoyed a glass of wine, took pictures, and chatted with an exhausted Mo (so exhausted, she missed the s'mores).  In the end, all four of us had a good time together  =)

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